LINNC Asia 2023

The LINNC Family of Seminars, Educational sessions and LINNC online is proud to announce the next edition of the LINNC Seminar 2023 – Asia Edition taking place for the first time in Seoul, South Korea!
LINNC has always been a moment of open exchange, an opportunity to share our different experiences and visions of healthcare in order to advance, together, the well-being and management of our patients and the LINNC Seminar 2023 – Asia Edition will offer this and so much more.
Under the direction of our LINNC Course Directors Jacques MORET, Laurent SPELLE and Vitor MENDES PEREIRA, with critical support of the South Korean Course Directors led by Professors Hae Woong JEONG and Yong-Sam SHIN, this edition of LINNC Seminar 2023 – Asia Edition will draw its distinguished faculty from throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
We will be touching on the whole gamut of interventional neuroradiology as it is practiced today with a wide range of carefully selected, prerecorded clinical cases which perfectly illustrate the various points addressed during the sessions, as well as responding to the questions of our attendees. These individual sessions will cover such topics as the management and treatment of brain AVMs or unruptured aneurysms, intra-saccular devices in ruptured aneurysms, embolization of bifurcation aneurysms, indications for thrombectomy in patients with low NIH and LVO, dural malformations, DAPT therapy in thrombectomy and carotid stenting. We will also discuss the latest devices and innovations, offering tips and tricks for choosing and using them. There will be a variety of industry sponsored symposiums, an exciting series of best cases submitted by you – the attendees – and the highly regarded and critically acclaimed seminar on “the Dark side of INR session “dedicated to the proposition that we can all learn from the complications we face!